Hannah Flex

Hannah Flex

Women’s health and pregnancy care has long been my passion. In high school, I was poised for premed with intentions to become an OBGYN. Thankfully though, I witnessed my first home birth when I was 17, just in time to switch majors to nursing when I quickly learned that the midwifery model of care (and specifically home birth!) aligned far better with my beliefs on the kind of care women deserve in pregnancy and birth. 

I completed my undergrad in nursing at Chamberlain Nursing University. I worked as a nurse at Central DuPage Hospital and as a birth assistant in home birth through midwifery school. I graduated with honors from Frontier University; completing the majority of my clinical hours with out of hospital midwives providing care in clients homes or birth centers. 

My philosophy of care is centered around supporting my clients holistically. I value nutrition and movement as top priorities for good health and take a pro-metabolic approach to supporting the body before, during, and after pregnancy. 

When I am not catching babies, I spend my time engaged in my church community, spending time with my very large family, and educating young women about their menstrual cycles, family planning, and intimacy.