Why Home Birth?

In a time when many people are seeking alternatives to the unnecessary medicalization of childbirth, and the limited ability to make informed decisions about labor and birth care in the hospital, it's only natural that you might be considering a home birth!

The midwifery model of care promotes birth as a normal, social event in a childbearing individual's life, and the work of that individual, not the work of the professionals that person hires. A great way to center that event is by providing a comfortable, peaceful environment for the physiologic process of labor and birth to unfold. 

Safety of Home Birth

  • Safety of Alternative Approaches to Childbirth

    Summary of Critical Points by Peter F. Schlenzka Doctoral thesis comparing safety and costs of natural, out-of-hospital birth with in-hospital obstetric births. He finds out-of-hospital births to be slightly safer and significantly superior in terms of economic costs ($13 billion annually) and social costs (reduced incidence of birth trauma and bonding disorders).

  • Home Birth: An annotated guide to the literature

    May 2011- Annotated bibliography provides citations and critical appraisal of original studies on home birth.

  • Outcomes of intended home births in nurse-midwifery practice: a prospective descriptive study

    Conclusion: Home birth can be accomplished with good outcomes under the care of qualified practitioners and within a system that facilitates transfer to hospital care when necessary.

  • Planned Home Birth is Safe for Most Mothers and Babies

    Healthy women with qualified care providers, usually midwives, can have safe home births.

  • The Safety of Home Birth

    Home birth can be a safe option for 90% of mothers, with appropriate prenatal care and attendant personnel.

  • The British Medical Journal

    Outcomes given less prominence were no significant differences in perinatal mortality, and in neonatal deaths with planned home births attended by certified midwives. Mothers planning a home birth were significantly less likely to have a preterm or low birthweight baby.

  • Home versus Hospital Deliveries: follow up study of matched pairs for procedures and outcome

    Objective - To assess procedures and outcomes in deliveries planned at home versus those planned in hospital among women choosing the place of delivery.

  • Home Birth Safety

    Safe in selected women, and with adequate infrastructure and support

Birth Stories

  • Abby from Hospital to Home

    Hospitals have only existed for a short period of time (and thank goodness they exist!). As birth transitioned from midwives to doctors in hospitals it was taken over by timelines, schedules, protocols, policies, etc. It became a business. Hospitals offer a ton of wonderful things that save lives all the time. But not all births can be expected to go the same way, to happen within a certain time frame, to be void of surprises. Every woman labors in her own way

  • The Birth of Annalyn Rose

    With my second pregnancy, I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to deliver at home with Hillary Kieser and Gentle Birth Care. Inc. She delivered my first at the hospital in the ABC room of West Suburban Hospital

  • The Birth of Azalea

    When I went into labor, I felt knowledgeable and comfortable with what was to come.

  • The Birth of Colvin

    I began listening to my Hypnobirthing audio and labored in bed (which had been prepared for potential delivery if necessary). My water broke at 11:30pm, and right after that, Hillary and Rita arrived.

  • The Birth of Baby Jones

    How wonderful to be HOME!

  • The Birth of Eliza

    The experience of having a home birth was amazing. The midwives were incredible, calm, and focused. Being able to climb into bed with our own pillows and sheets was so comforting. Mike made everyone eggs and pancakes and we enjoyed staring at you and welcoming you into our family.

  • The Birth of Poppy

    Poppy’s birth story, told by big sister Olive Jenkyns, age 9

  • The Birth of Minnow

    After I delivered her head and most her body Hillary had me reach down and grab Minnow as the rest of her emerged from me. I quickly looked and found she was a girl and exclaimed, “Julia was right!”

Birth Videos