Photos provided by Loughlin Birth + Family Photography
Your birth team comes to your home in labor, and will stay for 2-3 hours to ensure that mother and baby are stable and that breastfeeding is off to a good start. During that time we will also complete a newborn exam. We will visit the new family in their home within 24 - 48 hours and accomplish the newborn screening test. A one or two week visit in the home and a six week postpartum office visit are included.
One-to-one care and support is provided during labor according to the individual needs of the family. Some enjoy hands-on support and guidance, while others want solitude and independence. We take cues from the individual families. We encourage the use of water during labor and have extensive experience in water births, including some of our own births.
We provide annual well-woman check-ups in our offices; including Pap exams, lab work, testing and treatment for vaginal and urinary infections, and menstrual cycle issues can be addressed. We work with both natural remedies or pharmaceuticals, depending on necessity and client desires.